Sunday, June 29, 2008

More on Why I Support Barack Obama for President of the United States

My wife, Roxanna, saw Barack Obama speak when she was visiting her Father in Illinois when he was still a state legislator in Illinois. We both began to think about him as a great Presidential candidate when we heard him speak at the National Democratic Convention in 2004. However, I was still somewhat on the fence about who I would support for President, Hillary or Barack, until I heard Sen. Obama speak in person for myself. That was it for me. I became convinced that this was a man who really could produce the kind of change I think we need in America. I immediately set about identifying all the Obama supporters in my precinct, and getting them to the caucus on Feb. 5th where he won almost three to one!

Some people say that words are unimportant. I respectfully disagree. It is thoughts that are the seeds of words. It is words then that are the seeds of action. And I believe that Barack Obama believes what he says, and that he can and will take the actions necessary to deliver the kind of change we need to begin to heal our country and our world. Republicans and Democrats. Blacks and Whites. Men and Women. Christians and Muslims. Rural residents and city dwellers. Rich and poor. Business owners and laborers. The economically-disadvantaged people of the “developing world” and those of us fortunate enough to be in the “developed world”. Barack Obama represents the future of what we can be together.

There remain vestiges of sexism in this country. There remain vestiges of racism in this country. There remains economic inequality in this country. And there are many other examples of inequality remaining in this country and throughout the world. Barack Obama is our best hope for beginning to bring our country and our world together, heal our wounds, and eliminate all forms of inequality. I am dedicated to electing Barack Obama as the next President of the United States because he is the single candidate that can bring Americans together around the values of economic and international security, affordable health care, and education. He embodies the kind of change that all Americans desperately want. He alone can restore the United States’ standing in the world and lead us into a hopeful future at home and abroad.

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