Sorry I’ve been incommunicado recently. Since the election, I’ve been trying to get my feet on the ground with a new job, and catching up a little on my sleep. In the weeks leading up to the election, I was working very long days, like many of you, I’m sure. I was out knocking on doors for Barack Obama right up until 6:45 p.m. on Election Day.
What a long road we’ve traveled. We started out saying, "Yes We Can!” later we said, "Yes We Will!", and now we can say, "Yes We Did!". It took thousands of people like you and me, from all walks of life, all over Colorado and all over the country, working hard for many months giving of their time and money to get the facts out about Senator Obama by holding meetings in their homes with their friends and neighbors, making phone calls, and knocking on doors right up through Election Day to change minds, get out the vote, and make it happen. I am so proud of our State for “turning blue”, our country, Senator Obama, and what we all accomplished together.
This campaign demonstrated what is possible when a candidate brings people together around common hopes and goals. This campaign has been transformational. The election of President-Elect Obama has been transformational. It is palpable. I noticed it immediately as I walked out of the Sheraton Hotel Wednesday morning where we stayed election night. As I rode the 16th Street mall shuttle to my office, people looked at each other differently. I looked at people differently too. People of all colors looked at each other in the eye--with fresh eyes, with joy, pride, and hope in their eyes. Have you seen it too?
And now I look forward to watching, and helping in whatever way I can, the further transformation of our national dialog from one based on fear, to one based on hope for what we can and will become individually and collectively.
Thank you again for everything you did, and what I know you will continue to do, to help create the future we all hope for.
Like some of you, my wife, Roxy, and I made our flight and hotel reservations some months ago. We will be in D.C. Jan. 16-23 and look forward to celebrating and participating in what will be a historic Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama! I hope you can make it and join us!